LMS Registration and Notification Process for NIH Training Center Classes

  1. Learner registers for training in the LMS. The “Manager Approval Pending” e-mail notification is sent to Manager and Learner.

  2. Manager can approve or deny the registration.

    1. If denied by the manager, the "Manager Approval Denied” Email notification is sent to the learner, and the registration is dropped

    2. If approved by the manager, the "Additional Approval Pending" e-mail notification is sent to the additional approver.

  3. The Additional Approver can then approve or deny the registration, verifying that the CAN is correct before approving.

  4. The “15 day training reminder" and "3 day training reminder" are also sent to the learner prior to training.

    1. If denied by the additional approver, the "Additional Approver Denied" e-mail notification is sent to the learner, and the registration is dropped.

    2. If approved by the additional approver, the "Training Confirmation" e-mail is sent to the learner.

  5. The user attends training.